« on: October 02, 2008, 08:19:14 pm » |
Member Theme Rules
Topic Bumping Please don't bump your topic. Meaning if it doesn't have a post after 5 days don't post in it just to bring it up to the top. If you do bump your topic your topic will be locked and you won't be able to post in it anymore.
General Behaviour New Themer's are looking for possitive feedback and so are the expert Themer's. So don't go into a members topic and say that their theme Sucks or anything like that. If you do you will be warned and if it happens twice you will be banned.
Back Seat Moderating Like other areas of the forum, back seat moderating in this forum is not allowed. The Moderators are more equipped to moderate this forum than any of the members. Please refrain from posting "Follow the guidelines" or "You dont have any copyright". It annoys other members, the topic starter, and us.