First off, this is a preview:;u=1First off, create a new profile field.
These are the settings I have for it.
Name: Twitter
Show in profile: Yes
Show in posts: No
Parse BBC: No
Text to display before field:
<div id="twitterstream"><a href="
Text to display after field:
" target="_blank">Twitter</a></div>
Field ID: twitter
Only allow admins to edit field: No
Only allow admins to view field: No
You can put in anything you want for anything I didn't mention. Make sure it's type is 'Text'.
Once you are done with that, ensure you have the jQuery code in your headers. It looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.js"></script>
Then add this to your footers.
<script type="text/javascript">
function twitterAdd(o){var u=''+username+'/status/';$("div#twitterstream div.tborder div.windowbg2 ul").append("<li style='padding-top:5px'><a href='"+u+"' target='_blank'>"+o.text+"</a></li>")}function twitterCallback(j){username=$("div#bodyarea table.bordercolor tbody tr td.windowbg table tbody tr td a:contains('Twitter')").attr('href').match('\.+)')[1];$("div#bodyarea table.bordercolor tbody tr td.windowbg table tbody tr td b:contains('Twitter')").html("Latest Twitter Updates:");$("#twitterstream").html("<div class='tborder' style='opacity:0.55'><div class='windowbg2' style='font-size:0.8em'><ul style='margin:0px;padding-left:5px;padding-bottom:5px;list-style:none'></ul></div></div>");for(i in j){twitterAdd(j[i])}}(function(n){if(window.location.href.indexOf("action=profile")!=-1){username=$("div#bodyarea table.bordercolor tbody tr td.windowbg table tbody tr td a:contains('Twitter')").attr('href').match('\.+)')[1];var a=document.createElement('script');a.setAttribute('src',''+username+'.json?callback=twitterCallback&count='+n);document.body.appendChild(a)}})(5);
You shouldn't need to edit anything except the 5 at the very end, that is the number of tweets that will be displayed.
And there, the code should work.

Edit your profile, adding in your twitter
username in the field you created to test it.
If you want the uncompressed source, it's below this. You shouldn't need it, but I decided to include it in case anyone wanted to know how it works.
function twitterAdd(o){
var u = '' + username + '/status/' +;
$("div#twitterstream div.tborder div.windowbg2 ul").append("<li style='padding-top:5px'><a href='"+u+"' target='_blank'>" + o.text + "</a></li>");
function twitterCallback(j){
username = $("div#bodyarea table.bordercolor tbody tr td.windowbg table tbody tr td a:contains('Twitter')").attr('href').match('\.+)')[1];
$("div#bodyarea table.bordercolor tbody tr td.windowbg table tbody tr td b:contains('Twitter')").html("Latest Twitter Updates:");
$("#twitterstream").html("<div class='tborder' style='opacity:0.55'><div class='windowbg2' style='font-size:0.8em'><ul style='margin:0px;padding-left:5px;padding-bottom:5px;list-style:none'></ul></div></div>");
for(i in j){
(function(n){if(window.location.href.indexOf("action=profile") != -1){
// This is the profile page.
username = $("div#bodyarea table.bordercolor tbody tr td.windowbg table tbody tr td a:contains('Twitter')").attr('href').match('\.+)')[1];
var json = document.createElement('script');
json.setAttribute('src', '' + username + '.json?callback=twitterCallback&count=' + n);
}})(5); // Number of tweets to show
Note on browser compatibility: While I haven't been able to test this code on any browser like IE or Safari that doesn't have a linux version, the
screenshots from indicates that it works correctly... sorta. On browsers where it isn't working like IE5.5, it's degrading gracefully, ie it just shows a link to the user's twitter profile.
Also, I think I should move the tweets down and make it look like the 'Additional Information' and 'Recently Uploaded Images'. What do you think?