NOTE: I made this topic on SMFsupport, so don't say this isn't mine.. It is... I'm Chees712 on SMF support!I don't know if this is the right section, but I looked and it seemed fitting. So move it to the currect sectoin if not please!!!Okay, this is my very first guide. I will do my best to tell you what to do. If you have any questions just ask. Here is a preview:
cursorguide.smfforfree.comOkay, so the first thing you need to do is go to
Cursor Mania. You need to download the cursors. Click "Download". This has no virsus's I just added it. (It includes smiley central)
Now, after you have downloaded it, open the "Toolbar" it gave you (the "My Web Search" Toolbar) and click "Cursor Mania" Now, it opens up a file of cursors for you to choose. Choose the one you like the most. I'm just going to use a basic cursor for now. You can use this if you want. So, click the cursor you want, and copy the code to your clipboard. Here is my code for the clipboard:
<a href="" style="position:absolute;top:50px;left:0px;"><img src="" border="0"/></a><style type="text/css">body{cursor:url("") !important;}</style>
(It is a basic green cursor)
Now, after you copied it, go to your forum the do the following:
Admin > Manage Styles > Headers/Footers
You can post it in either of them. I put mine in Headers. Now, paste it in the one you select. And save your Headers Footers.
Now you have your cursor!!
NOTE: There will be a banner saying "Cursor Mania" And advertising your site, so if you want it hidden more, I suggest putting it in your Footers.Hope this helped you guys!!