This little trick you'll be learning here could help in 3D work or some type of render or stock requireing light. Dont know if this'll work on photoshop.
If you've seen my topic and seen the 3D ball, it had a shadow like effect. Thats the first part of this, learning how to make that type of effect in gimp. You'll also learn how to add light to a certain stock, render, object, etc.
Open up your render/stock/signature/etc.( Doesnt matter if its .xcf or anything ). Create a new layer, grab the ellipse tool and make sure the mode is normal ( Replace the current selection ) and make a 105x71 circle if your trying to make one like my 3d ball, if not then make any other size you want, but if the image is bigger than 105x71, try to double it to your liking. Now still with the ellipse tool, change the mode to subtract and make a 144x75 circle, same as the 105x71 circle, if its not big enough for your image, double it to your liking. Now there's a moon shape selected with the ellipse tool. Now just change the mode of the layer to your liking but i would just change the opacity or make the layer overlayed ( Changing Opacity better recommended ). Now you have a shadowy effect that looks like a shadow or shine from the sun. Here's a example of the end result with a render:
The left of his head has a white/shadowy effect which should be the result of the shadow tutorial. Oh and if you got the shadow effect but dont want it in the place it is, just move it around with the Move tool.( Press "M" ). Now for the light. ( For the light imagine the shadow on my example, imagine it as a light source instead of shadow, imagine the head like the top right part of his head, a light source, dont worry, this'll be a shorter tutorial ).
Let's begin.
Just liek the first, open up a image or a new empty document, Create a new layer and make it a FG Layer or BG Layer ( The foreground must be black or white and the background must be black or white ). Now grab the gradient tool and set it to Radial, and change the fg and bg to any color you want but i would change it to a color thats good blended with the image. Now draw the gradient from the middle of the image to the lower right. Then go to layers dialog ( "Ctrl + L ) and change the layer mode to overlay and change the opacity a little so it wont look to bright. You can repeat this as much as you want to make a nice light in the image. Now if you want to see this effect in a tutorial go to this link: has the shadow effect in it, the tutorial was not created by me. If you want better recommended light effects or something like that, go to this link: to:
Credit goes to him for showing the tutorial on using the effect in play with a tutorial, and he was usually one of the first persons to figure the trick out. Anyways, Gimper gets some credits, too.