Finnally, a code that eveyone wants. The Money Code!!! It took me forever to finish, but I got it done. It isn't the the place I want it, but it works for now. It showes up under the AIM and MSN icons...
function smc_money_code(name,sign,amount){
//Created by Agent Moose at
c = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
if(c[v].className=="smalltext" && c[v].innerHTML.match(/Posts: (\d+)/)){
var total = amount * RegExp.$1;
c[v].innerHTML+="<br />" + name+": " + sign + total;
smc_money_code("MONEY NAME","SIGN","AMOUNT PER POST")
This is simple
MONEY NAME is the name of the money...(eg: Money)
SIGN is the sign of the money(eg: $)
AMOUNT PER POST is how much you get per post(eg: 5[The number you put will be multiplied the posts.])
EDIT: I forgot to tell you people something. If you want to decrease someones money, decrese there post count by going to there profile.