Revolution X

Coding Community => Coding Snippets => Topic started by: Agent Moose on May 14, 2009, 06:21:53 pm

Title: Reason for Edit Karma
Post by: Agent Moose on May 14, 2009, 06:21:53 pm
<script type="text/javascript">
var i = ""; var r = ""; var b = "";
//Created by Agent Moose (
$("td[width='16%'] b a").each(function(){
i = RegExp.$1;
r = $(this).parent().next().find("a[href*='sa=applaud']").attr("href");
b = $(this).parent().next().find("a[href*='sa=smite']").attr("href");
this.href = "javascript:void(0);";
this.onclick = function(){ Red(); };
this.href = "javascript:void(0);";
this.onclick = function(){ Blue(); };
function Red(){ var x = prompt("Reason:",""); if(x){ $.post(smf_scripturl + "?action=comment&sa=add2",{comment: "[b][color=green]Karma Added!  Reason:[/color][/b]\n" + x, userid: i}); alert("Reason Posted!"); window.location = r; }else if(!x){ alert("You must enter a reason!"); };};
function Blue(){ var v = prompt("Reason:",""); if(v){ $.post(smf_scripturl + "?action=comment&sa=add2",{comment: "[b][color=red]Karma Subtracted!  Reason:[/color][/b]\n" + v, userid: i}); alert("Reason Posted!"); window.location = b; }else if(!v){ alert("You must enter a reason!"); };};

Original Request:,553.0.html (,553.0.html)

When you click on the links that add/subtract karma from a person, a pop-up will show up where you can add a reason for Adding/Subtracting karma from that user.

Enjoy :)

Title: Re: Reason for Edit Karma
Post by: Andrew on May 14, 2009, 09:58:29 pm
This code has been a long time coming, cant wait till tomorrow when i can add it! Thanks for making this agent :)

Title: Re: Reason for Edit Karma
Post by: Qub1 on May 15, 2009, 01:13:58 pm
So where would the reason appear after typing it?

Title: Re: Reason for Edit Karma
Post by: Andrew on May 15, 2009, 04:18:45 pm
Same question there a page for it or something?

Title: Re: Reason for Edit Karma
Post by: Exilis on May 15, 2009, 04:31:56 pm
Don't quote me here, but I'm pretty sure it comments on the user's profile.

Title: Re: Reason for Edit Karma
Post by: Andrew on May 15, 2009, 06:18:07 pm
Agent does this not work if we are using images instead of words?

Title: Re: Reason for Edit Karma
Post by: Andrew on June 21, 2009, 12:42:13 am
Agent? Does this not work if we have it set to our liking? I had it set like this:

Karma Mode: Enable karma total
Karma label: Reputation:
Karma applaud label:
<img src="" border="0"/>
Karma smite label:
<img src="" border="0"/>

Would that be OK? Did I do something wrong? Is there something else wrong with the code? Heh, sorry, ive been trying to use it for awhile and it hasnt been workig  :-\.