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1  Coding Community / Coding Snippets / Re: Stop People From Stealing Images Or Codes on: January 23, 2009, 07:27:12 pm
Right click disabling is kind of pointless. First of all, it stops them from doing things they need to with the right click. And if u don't have your image copyrighted or anything, they're allowed to take them anyways... Also, like celebrus said, unless u block ctrl + c also, they can just do that instead. What stinks with our forums though is that they can always just enable javascript and use that to their advantage. Nice code though. I believe celebrus has a code that e-mails you whenever someone removes your credits or something from your themes, and all the otherthings. I think last time i asked him he was working some bugs out of it though.
2  Graphics Community / Themed / Re: Runescape on: January 13, 2009, 08:57:47 pm
I still play it and have a life Tongue. And do all the other things that i do on the computer, and play all the video game systems that are in my house XD, and a lot more. Kind of hard at times... That's why there is 2 computers side by side in my house :p multitasking. Like that one comercial, im buying stock on this computer... and on this computer im kicking my friends butt in gears of war. lol. I don't really like the colors used on the catbgs and stuff on the theme....
3  Graphics Community / Themed / Re: 1 Christmas Night on: January 09, 2009, 10:34:03 pm
Hey i never noticed u actually finished it Tongue congrats. It looks awesome.
4  Graphics Community / Dark Themes / Re: Quake on: January 09, 2009, 10:24:00 pm
This is like one of my favorites styles ever Smiley idk why but i just love it. lol
5  Graphics Community / Light Themes / Re: Jammin Jello on: January 09, 2009, 10:18:16 pm
Woah Tongue i think it looks sweet, only down fall is the colors, orange kind of mellows it down but the green is still really bright.
6  Graphics Community / Dark Themes / Re: Nightmare on: December 29, 2008, 08:30:50 pm
i could get used to it, not hard my eyes because i have good eyes Tongue. but the only thing i dont like is there is to much SOLID red. you should of done some different shades. maybe brownish reds. dark reds. pink reds. that kind of stuff Tongue.
7  Coding Community / Coding Snippets / Re: Support Ticket on: December 26, 2008, 09:31:57 pm
Oh, didn't see that part Tongue lol
8  Coding Community / Coding Snippets / Re: Support Ticket on: December 26, 2008, 04:47:21 pm
Uh moose, the URL is in the code that you have uploaded to your googlepages. You might wanna include the profile number as a variable in the script that goes into the header.
9  Graphics Community / Photoshop Tutorials / Re: Tenchu Tag Tutorial (Screencast) on: November 29, 2008, 10:00:28 am
Hm, i took a look at it and it actually looks pretty simple Tongue i'd try it if i had PS
10  Coding Community / Coding Snippets / Re: Add Navigation to Bottom of Topics on: November 19, 2008, 06:27:19 pm
Sounds kool Tongue, I might try it later and see how it looks Smiley
11  Coding Community / Coding Snippets / Re: Add Text To Copyright on: November 10, 2008, 08:12:41 pm
I guess right now Sad . But i encourage you to download firefox anyways, its a much better browser. And i hope moose can get it to work with IE also though.
12  Coding Community / Coding Snippets / Re: Add Text To Copyright on: November 10, 2008, 06:29:36 pm
Tested it in IE 7 on my test for, (Server 3) didn't work for me either. Trying to make it work though.
But try this one, idk if it will work or not.
var CopyRight = "Testing, testing. 1, 2, 3.";

//Created by Agent Moose (smcodes.smfforfree3.com)
$("#footerarea").append("<center><span class='smalltext'>" + CopyRight + "</span></center>");
If you're going to add text or something of the like in jQuery, you should use append(). I altered the snippet in the quote.
Yea, i already tried that.
Didn't do make it work so i didn't bother adding it in
13  Coding Community / Coding Snippets / Re: Add Text To Copyright on: November 10, 2008, 05:02:45 pm
Tested it in IE 7 on my test for, (Server 3) didn't work for me either. Trying to make it work though.
But try this one, idk if it will work or not.
var CopyRight = "Testing, testing. 1, 2, 3.";

//Created by Agent Moose (smcodes.smfforfree3.com)
$("#footerarea").innerHTML += "<center><span class='smalltext'>" + CopyRight + "</span></center>";
14  Official / Announcements / Re: Grand Opening on: November 09, 2008, 02:07:11 pm
Welcome to Revolution X timgalo, why not start off by introduction yourself here.
15  Coding Community / Coding Snippets / Be cautious when using codes on: November 08, 2008, 10:24:50 pm
Make sure to follow all the directions.
If the code somewhere has something like http://YOURFORUM.smfforfreeX.com
and in the directions it tell you to change that, and you don't; You can easily can find your self in a big mess.

Sometimes you can work around these problems if u accidentally mess up your forum and can't get at it or what ever.

Disable javascript in your browser and go to your forum, USUALLY this will work.

Disabling javascript in Internet Explorer:
Tools < Internet Options < Security Tab < Custom Level
Scroll down to the scripting section of the list. Click disable or Enable
Close and restart your browser.

Disabling javascript in Mozilla Firefox:
Tools < Options < Content < uncheck "Enable Javascript".

This might also help if that doesn't work and your forum isn't redirecting:

If you want to remove ALL the codes from your Headers, use this:

Change YOUR_FORUM to your forum name, and the X to 2, 3 or 4.  If you have a server 1, you will not need a number, so just remove the X.

If you want to remove ALL your codes from your Footers, Use this:

Change YOUR_FORUM to your forum name, and the X to 2, 3 or 4.  If you have a server 1, you will not need a number, so just remove the X.

Another great idea is to make a test forum and test all your codes there before using them on your actual forum.
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