Revolution X

Official => Announcements => Topic started by: Agent Moose on January 10, 2010, 09:28:11 pm

Title: Attention Users! Revolution X Closed!
Post by: Agent Moose on January 10, 2010, 09:28:11 pm
For all those people who've been a fan of Revolution X, we are sorry to say this, but the forum is going to close.

Revolution X is simply dead.  There's maybe one post a week.  If your asking for us to try and get this forum back up and running, well, that's hard to do with a forum that is dead.

If you want to hear some good news, here it is:
1.  deathwilldie will be releasing the 2 Themes we used on Revolution X (Quarantine and v4)
2.  I will be releasing some of the codes that were here on Revolution X.  (Only the ones that I think are user-friendly, which quite frankly are a lot of them)

Well, with all that said, I hope you don't get mad, sad, angry, confused or any other emotion that isn't good for your body, just over this :)

Enjoy :)

Title: Re: Attention Users! Revolution X Closed!
Post by: Sapphire medal on January 15, 2010, 02:50:11 am
aww ma  :-\ I really thought think this place can make a comeback.